How To Boil Eggs

How to Boil Eggs.

Do you know how to boil eggs? Everyone seems to have a general idea of the process: put eggs in water and boil. But, how long do you boil eggs to make the perfect hard cooked egg?  Do you start with hot or cold water? Do you add anything to the water? How do you peel them? If you turn to the internet or friends for an answer, you will literally get millions of different answers.

So how do I  know how long to boil an egg? Even though I have cooked for years and have a grown daughter, I still call my mother and ask her how long to boil eggs. There is something comforting in her answer. I figure that it is based on knowledge being passed down for generations so that is good enough for me. Sometimes it’s the simple things that make so much sense.  Read below to see how you can make the perfect hard boiled egg.

How to Boil Eggs to Make the Perfect Hard Cooked Egg

Place eggs in a boiler and cover with cold water.  Be sure eggs have a lot of room – don’t crowd them.  Turn to high heat.  As soon as the eggs start to boil, set timer for 15 minutes.  Leave uncovered and continue to boil for 15 minutes.  As soon as the timer goes off remove the eggs from the burner and use a slotted spoon or skimmer ladle to transfer them to a colander in the sink.

How to Boil Eggs.
How to Cool Boiled Eggs

Run under cold water for several minutes to stop the eggs from cooking and peel under cold running water.

How to Peel Boiled Eggs

Lightly tap the boiled egg on a hard surface to crack the shell.  Do this in several spots all over the egg.  Slightly crush and roll the egg in the palm of your hand then hold it under cold running water to peel.  I start at the top or bottom of the egg to slip that part off and the rest slides off easily after that.  Be sure to keep the shell from going down the drain.  I put the strainer in the sink to catch the shell pieces.  You can throw the shells in the garbage or add them to your compost pile or garden.

How to Serve Boiled Eggs

The cooked, peeled eggs can be eaten immediately.

How to Boil Eggs.
Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs

You can sprinkle paprika or salt and pepper on them if you wish.  They are a super simple breakfast or snack so they are a great back to school menu idea for kids. You can also chop the boiled eggs and make egg salad or add to chicken salad.  They make a great topping for garden salads or additions to burgers or sandwiches.  By adding a few ingredients to the yolks you can make delicious deviled eggs.  Deviled eggs are a great party food – whether it is a family gathering, picnic, or tailgating.  They are good all year round from dying Easter eggs for Easter to party food for football season to an appetizer or side dish for Christmas dinner.  They are inexpensive and full of vitamins and protein.

Do Eggs Need to Be Refrigerated?

Yes, in the United States, raw eggs should always be refrigerated to keep salmonella bacteria from forming and multiplying rapidly.


How Long Do Boiled Eggs Last?

Boiled eggs should last up to a week in the refrigerator.


Benefits of Boiled Eggs

Who knew that the benefits of a simple boiled egg were so numerous?  From a delightful Easter Egg hunt to a Tailgating Party or Picnic, the simple egg promises to be a great addition to the fun.  I don’t think I have ever had leftovers when I made deviled eggs and carried them anywhere!  I hope you enjoy!


How to Boil Eggs

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Serves: 6 Eggs
Cooking Time: 15 Minutes


  • 6 Large Eggs
  • Water



Place eggs in a large boiler and cover with water.


Turn on high heat.


When water starts to boil, set timer for 15 minutes.


When timer goes off, remove eggs from heat.


Place eggs in a colander and run cold water over them.


Peel eggs by cracking gently on a hard surface to start, then peel them under running water in the sink.


Be sure to have the strainer in the sink so the shells don't go down the drain. Throw the shells in the trash or compost bin.


Eat immediately or refrigerate.


Can be eaten as cooked or used in egg salad, chicken salad, topping for garden salads or sandwiches, and deviled eggs.




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